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Results 1171-1180 of 1206 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Role of Socialization Process in Students' Academic Achievement and Interaction in the SocietyAhmad, Naseer
2021The Impact of Delegation of Authority on Job Satisfaction, Job Performance and Organizational Growth at Higher Educational Institutions in SindhShah, Syed Gul Muhammad
2022A Comparative Study of Life Skills Development Practices in Public and Private Secondary SchoolsHussain, Rubeena
2022Role of Procrastination in Mental Wellbeing and Academic Achievement through Academic Self-efficacy and Personality TraitsNajma, Rahat ul Ain
2021Effect of Head Teacher's Professional Skills on the Performance of Secondary School Teachers and Students: Evidence from Balochistan ProvinceAkhter, Naheed
2022Higher Secondary School Students' Attitude Towards Learning English Language, Classroom Environment and Their Relation with MotivationTabassum, Nighat
2019Impact of Informal Education on Development of Functional Literacy Among Children and AdultsKhalil, Saima
2022The Effect of Principals' Leadership Styles on Teachers' Job Performance and Students' Academic Achievement at Secondary School Level in Dera Islamil KhanYasmeen, Farhat
2022A Study of Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Adjustment of Students at Secondary School Level in District Dera Ismail Khan of Khyber PakhtunkhwaGul, Maryam
2022Impact of Teacher Effectiveness and Student's Attitude on Academic Achievement in Science Subjects at Secondary Level in Dera Ismail KhanKhan, Zamir Ahmad