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Results 11-20 of 392 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Exploring the Effectiveness of Early Childhood Care and Education Training Program by Provincial Institute for Teacher Education on the Instructional Performance of Teachers at Primary School Level District Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Alam, Jan
2020Phytochemical investigation and biological screening of Euphorbia pulcherrima and Micromeria bifloraHumayun Khan, Muhammad
2020Relationship of Organic and Mechanistic Organizational Structure with Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Teaching Faculty at Higher Education InstitutionsBibi, Nazma
2020Development and Validation of Training Program to Counter the Effects of Terrorism on Emotional Stability of University Teachers and Students in PunjabAshraf, Muhammad Naeem
2020A Study of Relationship Between Reading Interests and Academic Achievement of Students at Secondary School LevelAnjum, Shahla
2020Relationship of Work - Family Conflict with Job Demands, Social Support and Psychological Well - Being of University Teachers in PunjabAkram, Mahvish Fatima
2020Teacher's Burnout in Relation to Social Success and Leadership Behaviour of the High School Heads in Khyber PakhtunkhwaIqbal, Muhammad Javed
2020A Study of Relationship Between Reading Interests and Academic Achievement of Students at Secondary School LevelAnjum, Shahla
2020Impact of Parenting Style on Emotion Regulation and Academic Achievement of Students at Secondary LevelIqbal, Sabiha
2020A Critical Inquiry into U.K. Aid for Education in PakistanAbdullah, Nauman Ahmed