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Title: An Interactive effect of Teachers Attitude, Teaching Effectiveness and Teachers Personality on Academic Achievement of Students
Authors: Gul, Asia
Keywords: Social Sciences
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Gomal University, D.I.Khan.
Abstract: The study aims to find out the interactive effects of teachers attitude, teaching effectiveness and teachers personality on academic achievement of students. Objectives of the study were. To investigate the relationship among the teacher attitude, teaching effectiveness and teachers personality. To investigate the combined effect of teacher attitude, teaching effectiveness and teachers personality on the academic performance of secondary school students. To identify gender wise, locality wise, subject wise, experience wise and qualification wise differences of teacher attitude, teaching effectiveness and teacher’s personality. Hypothesis of the study were. H01: There is no significant relationship of teacher’s attitude and teacher’s effectiveness.H02: There is no significant relationship of teacher’s attitude and teachers Personality.H03: There is no significant relationship of teaching effectiveness and teacher’s personality.H04: There is no significant impact of teacher’s attitude, teacher’s effectiveness and teacher’s personality on academic achievement of students.H0.5 There is no significant difference between views of male and female secondary school students about their teacher’s attitudes. H0.6: There is no significant difference between views of male and female secondary school students about their teachers teaching effectiveness. H0.7: There is no significant difference between views of male and female secondary school teachers about their own personalities.H0.8 There is no significant difference between views of science and arts secondary school students about their teacher’s attitudes. H09: There is no significant difference between views of science and arts secondary school students about their teachers teaching effectiveness. H010: There is no significant difference between views of SST science and SST general secondary school teachers about their own personalities.H011 The views of rural and urban secondary school students about their teachers attitudes were not significantly different. H012: The views of rural and urban secondary school students about their teachers teaching effectiveness were not significantly different. H013: The perception of rural and urban secondary school teachers about their own personalities were not significantly different.H0.14: There is insignificant difference between views of less than or equal to ten years’ experience and more than ten years’ experience of secondary school teachers about their personalities.H0.15: There is insignificant difference between the perceptions of Bachelors and Masters secondary school teachers about their own personalities. Population of the study was 803 SST teachers working in District DIKhan and 23233 students enrolled in 9th and 10th class in District D.I.Khan. According to LR Gay table Sample has been taken from SST teachers which is 400 out of 803 and 9th class students sample is more than 5000, if sample is more than 5000 than ideal sample was 400, which was taken as a sample. Stratified random sampling technique was used to pick sample in population. Three questionnaires were used for collection of data. Its reliability and validity were properly obtained through set procedures. Data was collected through proper permission from the stakeholders. Data was personally collected through nearby schools and far-flung areas data collected through whatsApp messenger It was analyzed through SPSS software. Main conclusion of the study were. Significant impact of teachers attitude, teaching effectiveness and teachers personality was found on academic achievement of secondary school students. Interactive effects xiv were found between independent variables i.e. Teachers attitude and teaching effectiveness was positively and strongly correlated with each other, Similarly teachers attitude and teachers personality was positively correlated with each other. And there was also positive correlation found between teaching effectiveness and academic achievement. Least correlation was found between teaching effectiveness and teachers personality similarly the least relationship was found between teachers attitude and academic achievement. Least or nearly no relationship was found between teachers personality and academic achievement. Following recommendations were put forwarded on the basis of conclusions of the study.
Gov't Doc #: 25795
Appears in Collections:PhD Thesis of All Public / Private Sector Universities / DAIs.

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