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Title: Jadeed Urdu Nazm mein Insan Dosti (Tehqeeqi o Tanqeedi Mutala)
Authors: Jabeen, Nusrat
Keywords: Language and Literature
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Federal Urdu University of Arts Sciences & Tech. Islamabad
Abstract: In the first chapter differentconcepts and theories of humanism will be analyzed in detail in historicalprospective. In these theories religious, secular and socialist humanismtheories ii are important. Besides this is the basic discussion of religious theoryof humanism and its effects will be analyzed with the reference to theparticular social situation of the subcontinent. The detail of secular andsocial theories of humanism developed by modern western knowledge and itseffects on the civilization of the subcontinent has been analyzed . In the second chapter the background study of the Urdu poem has beenpresented particularly the classical effects of mysticism and Indian religiousmovements on Urdu poem, which are basically in favor of the religious theory ofhumanism, havebeen critically analyzed. Where as the changes in poem underwestern knowledge has been analytically researched from maulana Ataf HussainHali till Allama Iqbal . In third chapter with the beginning ofprogressive movements socialist theories and concepts of humanism also affectedUrdu poem in 1936 in Urdu literature. Specifically the effects of socialiststheories of humanism are clearly seen in the poem of the poets related toprogressive movement. With this reference in the light of socialists theories ofhumanism progressive poem has been critically analyzed . In the forthchapter the progressive, Psychological and metaphysical thoughts and theorieshave been analyzed. In the 20th century metaphysical philosophy has affectedUrdu poem on Iiterary level. In Meta physical philosophy humanism has animportant place. Its reflection is present in the poem of this period. Thesefacts have been studied that due to the effects of modernization at the end offorth decade of 20th centaury the movement of Halqae arbab-e-zauq avoidedmaterialism and developed the spiritualism, the poets of that movement fulfilledthe feelings of humanism in their poems. The period of language development isalso of great importance. This thing has also been highlighted that poem relatedto this movement an art and literary level side by side with other westernthoughts and theories has also affected the philosophy of humanism. Besides thiscontemporaries of Urdu poem the concepts of humanism have been analyzed from 1980 to date . The development of modern industrial civilization , scientific revelations vastness of modern knowledge have played great role inthe enlightement of human rights. As a result the world Charter of human rightshas been composed. In which individual, social, economical, political andinternational human rights have been covered. According to it all humans areequals in freedom, rights and honour and there can be no difference in givingthem human rights on the base of colour, creed, language, sex, religion , political theories, friend, nationalism or family status. If we look from thispoint of view so in this period the political situation of Pakistan was such inwhich respect of rights was not taken care. The reaction against this is presentseverely in the poem of this iii period with reference to this in this chapter thisthing has been analyzed that contemporaries of modern Urdu poem have performedtheir duty of fore bearers of human rights in this period which extend. Besidesthis side by side the specific political situation of Pakistan, the developmentof multinational culture has developed those feelings of coerce, helplessnessand unfulfilled wishes, the contemporaries with reference to the modern Urdupoem have also critically analyzed them. Moreover the affects of rival ,provincial and Preconceiption Urdu poem and their reaction has also beenanalyzed in this chapter according to the specific situation of the geographicalconditions of Pakistan
Gov't Doc #: 23197
Appears in Collections:PhD Thesis of All Public / Private Sector Universities / DAIs.

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