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Title: مرویات التفسیر فی تاریخ دمشق الکبیر لا بن عساکر من سور الاعراف الی آخر سورۃ الا سراع (جمع ودراسۃ وتحقیق)
Authors: Faisal, Muhammad
Keywords: Islamic Studies
Islamic Studies and Related
Religious Studies
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Abstract: This research aims at compiling and studying the exegetical narrations by Ibne Asâker in his great and prominent book named:"Tarîkho Madînate Demashq" (The History Of The City Of Damascus) across Sûrat Al-A’râf to the end of Sûrat Al-Esrâ. The number of studied exegetical narrations are . It is also designed to explicate the positions taken by scholars and exponents of Hadîth about the veracity of these narrations. The study uses analytical method of research to accomplish the topic. The most important findings of the study includes that Ibne Asâker was a credible narrator as testified by numerous biographers. Second, in among six hundreds twenty four exegetical narrations by Ibne Asâker in his named book some are authentic, and some others are not. This research writing contains the preface, preamble, two chapters; first: The exegetical narrations in Tarîkho Madînate Demashq and its study. Second: Evaluation of these exegetical narrations. A conclusion according to the following arrangements, and categorically indexes at the end.
Gov't Doc #: 20033
Appears in Collections:PhD Thesis of All Public / Private Sector Universities / DAIs.

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