Browsing by Author Ilyas, Muhammad

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Al Adab Al Qurani Ind Mustafa Sadiq Al Rafi (Darasat Tahleelia Naqdia)Ilyas, Muhammad
2018Association Mapping of Important Traits in Brassica napus L.Ilyas, Muhammad
2021A Comparative Study of Biased, Robust and Biased-Robust Regression and Some Improved Diagnostic and Estimation StrategiesIlyas, Muhammad
2018Impact of Corporate Governance of Earnings Management and Cost of Capital: Evidence From PakistanIlyas, Muhammad
2019Interpatient and Intra-Patient Variability Compensation in Regulation of Hypnosis based on Modern Control of Propofol Anaesthesia AdministrationIlyas, Muhammad
2022Investigation of Adhesion Mechanism of Mussel Foot Proteins in Marine Environment using Periodic Density Functional TheoryIlyas, Muhammad
2022Investigation of Adhesion Mechanism of Mussel Foot Proteins in Marine Environment using Periodic Density Functional TheoryIlyas, Muhammad
2010Legume-infecting Begomoviruses: Diversity and Host InteractionIlyas, Muhammad
2020Mapping Autosomal Recessive Intellectual Disability in Consanguineous FamiliesIlyas, Muhammad
2019Modeling of Urban Population Dynamics and Morphological Pattern in the Perspective of Data Distribution: Karachi as a test caseIlyas, Muhammad
2021Molecular Characterization of Toll Like Receptor-2 Gene for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Among Complicated Measle Cases in Peshawar, PakistanIlyas, Muhammad
2018Some Cosmological Aspects of Celestial Objects in Modified GravityIlyas, Muhammad
2013Testing the Predictive powers of common Measures of Total Factor Productivity Growth & Convergence Hypothesis.Ilyas, Muhammad