Browsing by Author Asif, Muhammad

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of English Curriculum on Linguistics Skills of Students in Public Sector Higher Secondary Institutions of KarachiAsif, Muhammad
2022Comparative Analysis Between Nigeria and Pakistan: Religious Extremism as Case StudyAsif, Muhammad
2021Comparison of Postnatal Depression and its Risk Factors in Females with Cesarean Section and Normal Vaginal DeliveryAsif, Muhammad
2016Competition and management Studies of Parthenium hysterophorus L. in forage sorghumAsif, Muhammad
2020Computational Design of BCH-Codes and Their Applications in the Data SecurityAsif, Muhammad
2020Construction of Anthropometric Growth Charts for Pakistan Using the LMS and Quantile Regression ApproachAsif, Muhammad
2021Contingent Effect of Conflict Management Towards Psychological Capital and Employees' Engagement in Financial Sector of IsalmabadAsif, Muhammad
2021Contingent Effect of Conflict Management Towards Psychological Capital and Employees' Engagement in Financial Sector of IsalmabadAsif, Muhammad
2016Developing optimal postharvest handling portocols for cut Polianthes tuberosa L. single spikesAsif, Muhammad
2019The Development and Validation of Stake Holder Based Scale for Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in the Islamic Banking Sector and its ImplicationAsif, Muhammad
2019The Development and Validation of Stake Holder Based Scale for Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in the Islamic Banking Sector and its ImplicationAsif, Muhammad
2021Evaluation of different anesthetic agents alone and in combination using constant rate infusion in premedicated goats during pain managementAsif, Muhammad
2019Exploring the growth response of major agro-forest trees against soil compaction in Central PunjabAsif, Muhammad
2021Fabrication and Use of Paper-Based Tests for Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens of Veterinary ImportanceAsif, Muhammad
2017Foreign Private Investment, Institutional Performance and Macroeconomic Management in PakistanAsif, Muhammad
2010Genomic Analysis for Quality Traits in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by DNA Fingerprinting TechnologyAsif, Muhammad
2020Grame-Theoretic Solutions for Mobile Data offloading in Next Generation Cellular NetworksAsif, Muhammad
2020H-Supermagic Labeling of GraphsAsif, Muhammad
2018Haar Wavelet Approach for Numerical Solution of Three-Dimensional Patial Differential EquationsAsif, Muhammad
2021The Impact of Early Jurisprudential Methodology (Fuqaha and Mutakallimin) on Contemporary Jurisprudential ThoughtAsif, Muhammad