Browsing by Author Ahmad, Saeed

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Comparative Efficacy of Unani Drug Urinile in Gouty Arthritis (Niqras)Ahmad, Saeed
2017"Comparative Study of General Zia-il-Haq and Pervez Musharraf Regime with Special Focus on Political and Constitution Activities".Ahmad, Saeed
2018Corrective Feedback in L2 Learning: A Comparative Effectiveness of Oral & Written Corrective Feedback Strategies for Urdu EFL Learners' L2 AccuracyAhmad, Saeed
2020The Evaluation of the Recruitment Policies for Educators in School Education Department PunjabAhmad, Saeed
2020Impact of bio-accumulated heavy metals on silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) and silk quality reared on mulberry plant grown in heavy metal impregnated soils of Faisalabad, Pakistan.Ahmad, Saeed
2020Joseph Schacht Aur Wael Hallaq Ki A'ara Ka Tanqeedi-o-Taqabli Motalah (Qanun-o-Fiqh Kay Tanazur Mein)Ahmad, Saeed
2013Mapping of genes involved in certain inherited diseases prevalent in Pakistani populationAhmad, Saeed
2021Methodology and Mode of Allama Tamanna Emaddi to Understand the QuranAhmad, Saeed
2022Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Contractual Faculty Members of Universities- A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Universities of Southern Punjab, PakistanAhmad, Saeed
2021Role of BBC London in Promotion of Urdu Language (Critical and Research Analysis)Ahmad, Saeed
2022Study on Behavioral and Pathophysiological Alterations in Selected Animals after Feeding with Medicago denticulata (L) Extracts.Ahmad, Saeed